Police arrested suspect in relation to stabbing incident

Police have arrested an adult male suspect in relation to a stabbing incident in the early hours of today 30 September 2017 at Mbokonavera one area in Honiara which resulted in the death of an adult male.

The alleged suspect surrendered himself to Hon. Jimmy Lusibaea, Member of Parliament for North Malaita Constituency before police arrested him.

The suspect is now currently in police custody awaiting further investigations.

Police are in the process of obtaining permission for the medical examination of the deceased.

Provincial Police Commander, Honiara City, Alfred Uiga calls on members of the families of the suspect and the deceased to refrain from taking the law into their own hands but allow the police to investigate the matter.

PPC Uiga says, “I would like to acknowledge Hon. Lusibaea for his assistance in mitigating the safe arrest of the alleged suspect and I would like to thank family members and relatives of the deceased for the common understanding between each other.”

Mr Uiga shares his condolence and sympathy with family members and relatives of the deceased.