Central and Choiseul Provinces join ‘Open Police Station Day’

Forty students from two schools in the Central Islands Province had the first experience in their life-time of seeing the inside of a police station when they visited the Tulagi Police Station during the ‘Open Police Station Day’ on Friday 29 September 2017.

The 40 students were from Voloa and Halavo Community High Schools.

During the program the students visited the Watch House (cell block), the Operations Management Office and the Criminal Investigation Unit and the Prosecution Section. Officers at the Tulagi Police Station also gave talks to the students on domestic violence and sexual offences.

During the visit Provincial Police Commander, Central Islands Province, Patricia Leta acknowledged the Principals and teachers of both schools for responding to the invitation to participate in the ‘Open Police Station Day’.

“This willingness to take part in the program shows that the schools are really supporting the work of police to ensure that peace prevails within their communities,” says PPC Leta.

A teacher of Halavo Community High School, John Gadi thanked the PPC and her officers for organising the open day.

“We want to thank the PPC and his Heads of Divisions for organising this open day so that students will know about the roles of the police. This is the first of its kind to be held in this Province and I am proud that my school has been invited to participate,” says Mr Gadi.

The ‘Open Police Station Day’ at Tulagi ended with the cutting of a special cake baked to mark the occasion and sports activities involving the students and officers at the Station.

Meanwhile in Choiseul Province, 76 students visited the Taro Police Station during the Open Police Station Day.

“The program started with a short remembrance service at the Choiseul Provincial Assembly Chamber with the Premier and other members of the provincial assembly, the Provincial Speaker, the Provincial Secretary and Heads of Divisions with other stakeholders in attendance,” says Acting Provincial Police Commander, Choiseul Province, Rolland Lapo.

Forty-five students from the Choiseul Bay Provincial Secondary School and 31 students from the Taro Primary School then visited the different Units at the Taro Police Station.

The ‘Open Police Station Day’ was held as part of the activities to mark the Police Remembrance Day or Blue Ribbon Day which was commemorated on 29 September 2017 both in Honiara and other provincial police stations throughout the country.