Police investigates article with the title ‘top secret out’

Mar/11 01:00

Police investigates article with the title ‘top secret out’

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The National Criminal Investigation Department (NCID) of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) are investigating the front page article with the title ‘top secret out’.

Director NCID, Superintendent Michael Bole said the article was published in Solomon Star newspaper issue 8391 on 4 March 2023 by Alfred Sasako.

Superintendent Bole said a task force has been established to investigate the Solomon Star article. The NCID are on top of the issues. An official enquiry has been established.

Director Bole said the NCID enquiry will continue to get it to the bottom of the issue. From the police investigation, we will determine the cause of action.

Mr. Bole said this type of investigation is complex and needs time and effort to progress it.

Encourage the public not to be concerned about such an article but NCID to investigate that allegation said Director Bole.

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Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

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Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb