Lata Police reminds CPC representatives of their roles

Mar/14 07:00
Lata, Temotu Province

Lata Police reminds CPC representatives of their roles

The Community Policing Team of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at Lata Police Station conducted refresher training for Crime Prevention Committee (CPC) representatives of Menevi village at Temotu Province on 12 March 2023.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Temotu Province, Superintendent James Toaki says, “The training is to educate CPC representatives to understand their roles and duties in the community when executing duties. And to remind them of the great responsibilities entrusted upon them for the good of their community.”

PPC Toaki says, “Menevi village is one of the first villages to establish By-Law and since then there was no record of serious crime being committed. This is how effective good leadership and working in partnership with RSIPF is. Please continue to maintain the good work and do better where needed.”

Superintendent Toaki says, “As a Christian country we know well that we can only achieve our aims and objectives with God’s help and so I encourage our leaders to always seek his guidance in decision making.”

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239