RSIPF farewells late PC Fredrick Sale

Mar/16 06:00

RSIPF farewells late PC Fredrick Sale

Assistant Commissioner Provincial Mr Leonard Tahnimana pay respect to late PC Sale

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) in Honiara today (16 March 2023) farewelled their colleague officer the late Police Constable (PC) Fredrick Sale during a funeral service at the South Sea Evangelical Church (SSEC) in Honiara after he passed away on 12 March 2023.

Speaking at the funeral service, Supervising RSIPF Commissioner Mr. Ian Vaevaso says, “I am humbled to stand here on behalf of all ranks and files of the RSIPF throughout Solomon Islands to pay respect to late Sale.”

“I am lost for words to describe the sadness that all of us have experienced at the news about the passing away of one of our own. I would like to inform relatives and friends that we are greatly saddened at the unfortunate passing away of the late Police Constable Sale.”

The late constable Sale had served in the RSIPF for 22 years. He was 51 years old when he passed away.

Commissioner Vaevaso adds, “As a very energetic young man during and after his schooling days he saw the importance of policing which inspired him to join the RSIPF as a recruit on 12 November in 2001.”

He was among others who were directly recruited from the former disbanded Star Division of the RSIPF and later posted to Honiara City in 2004 where he was posted to Police Response Team (PRT), Marau Police Station and the Logistics Transport Pool at Rove Police Headquarters where he served until his passing away.

During his service, he completed Special Operations Group Pre-selection course in 2002 and the PRT basic skills course and received Commissioners’ commendations and appreciation letters for his contributions to law and order.

Commissioner Vaevaso says, “The passing away of late PC Sale denied his aspiration and satisfying career.

Let me assure the relatives and friends that the RSIPF salutes him and will continue to remember the legacy he has left behind, his positive contributions to the RSIPF and his excellent leadership in the field of Policing in the country.”

“We valued so much his contributions to the RSIPF and the people of Solomon Islands. The length of time he served in the RSIPF was highly commendable and honoured by all ranks and files of the RSIPF for unselfishly serving the people of this country by enlisting into the RSIPF to protect life and property and to maintain law and order.”

Supervising Commissioner Vaevaso says, “It is sad to note that his untimely passing away is not only a loss to the wife, relatives and communities of Bina in West Kwaio, in Malaita Province, but also a great loss to the RSIPF.”

“I want to acknowledge everyone, family and police colleagues, friends, the church for coming out to honor and pay respect to the late PC Sale in this funeral service this morning.I salute him for his service,” says Commissioner Vaevaso.

The body of late Sale will be transported to his home village for final resting place.

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Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

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