Police respond to threat of UXO in Western Province

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) reminds members of the public to report any sightings of unexploded bombs (UXOs) within their communities to the nearest police station and keep well away from the objects.

The RSIPF’s Explosive Ordnance Division (EOD) in Honiara was alerted of an UXO at Munda Airport area in Western Province and responded to the report on 25 September 2017.

Supervising Director of the RSIPF National Response Department (NRD), Superintendent Rex Waiwori says, “The UXO was sighted about 32 meters from Munda Airport runaway by a contractor who was working on the fence line along the Munda airport. An EOD officer, who was sent to Munda, was able to move the UXO to a safe location as the arming mechanism was out and safe to move.”

Superintendent Waiwori adds: “While the EOD Officer was in Munda, two more UXOs were reported at Kindu, Munda. The EOD officer was not able to remove these two UXOs as they has been fired and fitted with mechanical time fuzz which is more dangerous for removal due to the firing mechanism were still intact. EOD is expected to send more officers who will be able to safely defuse the two UXOs. The public in Kindu are requested to stay clear of the two UXOs.”

Superintendent Waiwori says, “The public are strongly encouraged to report any sightings of any UXO to police and not to tamper around with it under any circumstance.

The public can contact police on phone numbers 23666 or 999 (free toll line).