RSIPF conduct copen awareness to schools in Honiara

Mar/31 02:00

RSIPF conduct copen awareness to schools in Honiara

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Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at the National Crime Prevention Department in Honiara are continuing with its awareness program targeting schools in Honiara to give awareness of Copen and its impact that is currently affecting students nowadays.

The awareness team comprises RSIPF and Australian Federal Police Partnership Program (RAPPP) with the officers of NCPD and the Health officer from the Honiara City Council.

Director NCPD Superintendent John Matamaru says, “Awareness team visited two schools (Honiara High School and Mbokonavera School). This week as part of the awareness program reach out to schools in Honiara police emphasizing on the impacts of the substance called copen that is commonly used by students or teenagers.”

Superintendent Matamaru says, “It is one of our goals in our strategy direction 2023-2027 to work closely with our stakeholders to engage in the schools and the community to address unexpected issues.”

Director Matamaru says, “The awareness was very important for school students to make good decisions for their future destination. I also encouraged the students to focus on their education, rather than involving themselves in taking copen.”

Mr. Matamaru says, “The principal of both schools also emphasized that these programs are very significant to the students by gaining back their mentality to concentrate and focus in school.”

The principal and staffs of both schools were very pleased and appreciate the awareness team in educating their students.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239