RSIPF attend Observer Program with Australian Counterpart

Apr/03 06:00

RSIPF attend Observer Program with Australian Counterpart

Two members of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) attended an Observer Program with the Australian Federal Police (AFP), in Australia, where they experienced security planning and operations during a major event.

Superintendent Fred Suhara and Inspector Bryan Erekali have returned after 10 days in Canberra, and are now leading the RSIPF Pacific Games Planning Team in planning the security overlay that will be implemented during the Pacific Games in November 2023. The Solomons’ International Assistance Force (SIAF) is also working closely and supporting this Team.

While attending the Observer Program, Superintendent Suhara and Inspector Erekali were able to observe the AFP Venue Command Centre during major sporting events.

The Observer Program has provided Superintendent Suhara and Inspector Erekali insight into how major events are planned and delivered, along with observing how the AFP oversee and deliver part of the security overlay to such events both domestically and internationally.

Superintendent Suhara said the Pacific Games in November will be first time Solomon Islands will host a regional sporting event that will attract athletes and visitors from around the Pacific.

He said during the Observer Program, they had the chance to attend meetings with critical stakeholders and explore initiatives which the RSIPF could use in their own planning for the security overlay for the upcoming Pacific Games.

Superintendent Suhara, who is the RSIPF Pacific Games Planning Team lead planner, said the Observer Program has been a success as it has assisted them greatly in planning and preparing for the delivery of a successful security operation.

“The Observer Program was a significant milestone and a successful one as it envisaged that the RSIPF, with support of our policing partners, will be able to provide security to the games at the highest level required,” Superintendent Suhara said.

He said the RSIPF Planning Team partners like the AFP have extensive history in managing significant large-scale events that attract international participants, spectators and media attention.

Superintendent Suhara thanked AFP for the opportunity to be part of the Observer Program in Australia.

Inspector Erekali said “The Program has been insightful for me as the lead Operational planner, in that it has showed me the level of detail I need to consider while working towards the Pacific Games 2023.”

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239