EOD conduct a live demolition of UXO at Garivera area in Guadalcanal

May/03 02:00
Central Guadalcanal

EOD conduct a live demolition of UXO at Garivera area in Guadalcanal

Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Team of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) are conducting a live demolition of a US bomb at Garivera area in Malango, Central Guadalcanal.

Second In-charge (2IC) EOD, Staff Sergeant (SSgt) Peter Ririvere said the task will be carried out in the Garivera area and will be active as of 8am this morning Wednesday 3 May 2023 up to 1pm in the afternoon.

SSgt Ririvere said workers, farmers, hunters and the general public in and around Garivera, Malango and the surrounding areas are kindly warned to keep out of the area while the operation is in progress.

2IC Ririvere said to limit possible risk during the live demolition, the team will dig a two metres hole and build sand bags as barricades to mitigate the blast and fragment of the bomb.

Mr. Ririvere said safe evacuations of people and road blocks will be enforced within those mentioned areas.The tasks will be carried on the mentioned date and time only and the mentioned communities are urged to cooperate with Police so that we have this operation safely conducted and completed in a timely manner.

He said it is advisable to report any sightings of any unexploded bombs through to the Police free toll line 999 or the RSIPF EOD mobile 7495215 or report it to any nearest Police Stations.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239
Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb