Police arrest two suspects in relation to security guard assault

Police in Auki, Malaita Province have formally charged two male suspects for the alleged attack on a security guard at the provincial capital on Saturday 30th September 2017.

The suspects have been remanded for 14 days as from Wednesday 4 October at the Auki Correctional Centre.

It was alleged that the arrested suspect punched the security guard when police were trying to negotiate with the guard to put away a weapon in his possession.

The arrested suspect had earlier gone back to apologise for the noise from the loud music being played from his vehicle at the Auki Wharf area but it was alleged that the security guard instead chased him with an axe.

It was when the police were trying to disarm the security guard that the arrested suspect allegedly punched him.

The Provincial Security guard is currently recovering at the Kilu’ufi Hospital near Auki.

Provincial Police Commander, Malaita Province, David Wate says,” I want to thank community leaders from both sides who has assisted in the investigations up to now and call on relatives of the suspects and the security guard to allow the police to continue with their investigations and not to take the law into their own hands.”