RSIPF frontline continues training conducted by CPLT in Honiara

Jun/06 08:00

RSIPF frontline continues training conducted by CPLT in Honiara

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Frontline Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at Honiara City begin combat skill training conducted by the China Police Liaison Team (CPLT) at the Rove Police Headquarters recently.

Supervising Assistant Commissioner (AC) Cooperate Support Rodney Kuma says, “The continuous support training provided by the CPLT is very beneficial for officers who have already done the training and to those who still yet to undergo this training as it focuses mainly on safety whilst performing duty.”

AC Kuma says, “It is a continuous training to make sure all officers undergo the training as we are approaching major events ahead of us. Participants take this training seriously and come out highly equipped with necessary skills provided.”

Mr Kuma acknowledged Deputy Commissioner CPLT Mr Xu and his team for their continuous support to the RSIPF by rendering this essential training to frontline officers.

Deputy Team Leader (DTL) CPLT Mr Xu says, “Support from CPLT will be provided continually to officers in Honiara City to push high standard law enforcement operational capability and capacity building.”

Mr Xu says, “Honiara’s stability is very important to Solomon Islands especially with the upcoming Pacific Games 2023.”

The CPLT chief instructor Dong Pengpeng says, “Our instructors will share skills and knowledge without reservation. This kind of communication is a significant chance to deepen our cooperation further.”

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239