RSIPF investigators attend victim-based crime training

Jun/09 09:00
RSIPF investigators attend victim-based crime training

RSIPF investigators attend victim-based crime training

RAPPP Advisor for Crime and Frontline, Supt. Adam McCormack, speaking at the opening of the training.

About 25 officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) are undergoing a Victim Based Crime Training at the Rove Police Headquarters.

Officers from the RSIPF’s Sexual Assault Squad, Homicide & Serious Crime Unit, Professional Standards & Internal Investigations, Naha Police Station, White River and Learning and Development are attending this two-week training.

The RSIPF and Australian Federal Police (AFP) Policing Partnership Program (RAPPP) supports this training.

RAPPP advisor to the RSIPF Investigations, Mark Weber, and advisor to the RSIPF Professional Standards & Internal Investigations, Bill Tooth, facilitated this training.

“This training will enhance the specialized skills and capabilities of investigators in the participating units of the RSIPF,” Weber said.

He said the training would also strengthen the RSIPF’s organizational capability and responsiveness to crime, which is in line with the RSIPF’s Strategic Direction for 2021 to 2025.

The training will cover different areas ranging from the principles of investigation management, planning and reporting, supporting victims and witness in courts, sexual assault, child abuse, child and vulnerable witness statements, human trafficking and child exploitation material to issues relating to the upcoming Pacific Games in November.

In his remarks at the opening of the training on 5 June, RSIPF Supervising Director for National Criminal Investigation Department (NCID) Director for National Criminal Investigation Department (NCID), Detective Supt. Michael Bole, thanked RAPPP for their support in running this important training, which will fill the existing gap within investigations.

Detective Supt. Bole said the training is important as it would bring participating officers up to another level in their investigation work.

He urged participants to learn as much as they can from the training in order to equip them with more tools that would greatly help them in their line of work.

RSIPF Assistant Commissioner for Crime & Intel, Chief Supt. John Foru, encourage officers who are attending the training to learn from the training and be able to mentor and supervise their officers when they return to their respective work places.

Chief Supt. Foru used the opportunity to urge officers to re-evaluate their purpose for joining the RSIPF as they go through the training.

He reminded participants to help the RSIPF strengthening and close any gaps in their workplace and by helping their colleagues in the fight against crime.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239