RSIPF Crime Prevention Strategy records early success

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Crime Prevention Strategy continues to record early success despite the fact that not all provincial wards have established Ward Crime Prevention Committees.

Addressing the Provincial Police Commanders and Directors Conference underway in Honiara, Deputy Commissioner of Police Operations, Gabriel Manelusi says, “early successes of the Crime Prevention Strategy includes members of crime prevention committees assisting in the voluntary surrender of murder suspects to police and the voluntarily surrender of 18 arms and 2,804 ammunitions during the 2017 amnesty.”

Mr Manelusi adds: “There’s also been a reduction of some major social disorder issues across the country, people start to swift mindset and take ownership to do the right thing and a strong evidence of partnership by key stakeholders at the Provincial, Ward and Village level.”

“There’s also been a reduction of victimisation in Central Islands Province, the Province which currently leads on the implementation of the Crime Prevention Strategy,” says Deputy Commissioner, Mr Manelusi

So far under the roll out of the Crime Prevention Strategy a National Crime Prevention Board has been established with 10 Provincial Crime Prevention Councils established across Solomon Islands.

One hundred forty-four Ward Crime Prevention Committees have been set up in the country with 249 Community or Village Crime Prevention Committees established throughout Solomon Islands.

Forty-four Ward Crime Prevention Committees are yet to be set up in Malaita, Choiseul and Temotu Provinces.

“I urge all Provincial Police Commanders to start on the training of the members of their crime prevention committees to enable them to assist Police in preventing crime in their communities,” says Deputy Commissioner, Manelusi.