NZ Police build training capacity with RSIPF Provincial Trainers with gifting of laptops and its accessories

Jul/17 02:00

NZ Police build training capacity with RSIPF Provincial Trainers with gifting of laptops and its accessories

Course participant from the province talk acknowledge laptops presented by SIPDP

The Provincial Training Officers (PTO) of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) across the Solomon Islands have attended a method of instruction course held at the RSIPF Police Academy at Rove police headquarters recently.

The course developed the training skills and capability of the PTO to allow them to deliver the best training to their respective staff in the provinces.

The training was led by RSIPF Learning and Development staff including Inspector Agnes Ape and Provincial training Inspector Rolland Tautaumao. Police partners from Australia and New Zealand also assisted with the training.

New Zealand (NZ) Police attached to the Solomon Islands Police Support Program (SIPSP) and the RSIPF Learning and Development department continue to develop the capacity and capability of the PTO across the RSIPF.

As part of the training, NZ Police have gifted ten laptops, ten projectors and memory sticks to the RSIPF PTOs.

The gifting will allow PTOs to access and deliver key training to their respective provincial staff for all training programs for the RSIPF officers.

All training is focused on the RSIPF Crime Prevention Strategy 2023-27 to ensure all RSIPF understand where they contribute to crime prevention and reducing harm and victimisation across the Solomon Islands.

The NZ Police have spent about hundred thousand Solomon Island dollars for the laptops, projectors and memory sticks.

NZ Police team leader Inspector Warwick McKee said the RSIPF PTOs have completed this development course and deserve the best equipment to allow them to continue to deliver training to their colleagues in each province.

NZ Police are excited to assist the PTOs to have the best resources available, to ensure all the RSIPF in each province receive key training and development.

These devices will ensure that PTOs can deliver all RSIPF training programs developed by Learning and Development at any time at their respective Police stations, towns and in remote locations and villages within their province.

The PTOs will work closely with RSIPF Learning and Development staff to ensure all the relevant training programs are accessed and delivered to all RSIPF staff.

Director Learning and Development Superintendent James Teilo said the gifting of these laptops and projectors by SIPSP is exciting for our organisation and our people. We want the RSIPF to be leaders across the pacific in crime prevention and service delivery to our communities particularly in preventing crime.

Director Teilo said the RSIPF PTOs play a vital role in ensuring that all RSIPF staff have access to training to ensure continuous improvement and to develop their skills, knowledge and experience. This in turn will allow them to deliver the best service each day to their communities.

Mr. Teilo said the support of SIPSP with this equipment is much appreciated and valued. It is great to see new equipment being provided to the trainers in the provinces.