RSIPF organize police open day in Honiara

Jul/25 09:00

RSIPF organize police open day in Honiara

The Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) is organising a police open day for the public at SMI Town Ground area in Honiara on 27 July 2023.

The program is an annual event that usually coincides with the police blue ribbon day used to happen in September. The program is disrupted due to COVID-19.

The purpose of the program is for the police to interact with the public and share more information so that our people know about RSIPF.

Different departments within the RSIPF will be setting up their stalls and those stalls will be available for the public to seek more information about the RSIPF.

The program will happen in three categories, the first category will be a float parade from Honiara City Council to SMI Town Ground area. The second part of the program will be the official program and presentation-entertainment.

Highlights of the day will be RSIPF show capabilities and the presence of Solo the Mascot. There will be give away prizes during the program. So come along and have fun with your police.

The RSIPF female cultural dancers will also perform during the day along with the RSIPF Police Brass Band. Your police RSIPF welcomes everyone.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239