RSIPF engages with the community in its Open Day

Jul/28 06:00

RSIPF engages with the community in its Open Day

Female officers RSIPF and AFP

Hundreds of people attended the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Open Day in Honiara on 27 July 2023 where officers educated the public about the capabilities of the police and other emergency services.

The theme of this year’s event was ‘police and communities working in partnership to promote peace, safe and green society’, reinforcing the RSIPF’s desire to work with the community as the RSIPF prepares for the Pacific Games in November.

The event kicked off with a parade led by the RSIPF brass band and dignitaries. More than 200 people marched including members of the RSIPF, Corrections staff, Fire and Rescue, AFP and local school children.

At the open day, RSIPF officers explained to community members, including school children and families, the many roles they undertake to keep the community safe.

Police and emergency services agencies showcased their capabilities, including forensics and public order management and unexploded ordinances retrieval. Police prosecutors were also present to explain the court process.

RSIPF members entertained visitors throughout the day by performing cultural dances and singing for the audience.

Visitors eagerly watched on as police, marinetime and fire officers conducted a live demonstration involving their responses to an explosion, fire and rioters.

The event was the RSIPF’s second Open Day, following a four-year break because of COVID-19. The first Open Day was held in Honiara in 2018.

The Ministry of Police, National Security and Correctional Services (MPNSCS) Minister, Anthony Veke, and Permanent Secretary, Karen Galokale, visiting Australian Federal Police (AFP) Assistant Commissioner, Nigel Ryan, RSIPF Commissioner, Mostyn Mangau, AFP Solomon Islands Commander, Heath Davies, contingents of the Solomons’ International Assistance Force (SIAF), school students and the Pacific Games Mascot, Solo, joined the parade and the official opening of the event.

Chairlady of the event’s Organising Committee and RSIPF’s Assistant Commissioner for National Operations, Evelyn Thugea, said they were pleased to bring the open day event after COVID-19 restrictions.

According to the RSIPF’s Media Unit, the event is important to the RSIPF, as it is an opportunity to educate the public about the role of RSIPF.

“Police work can only be successful once members of the communities are willing to assist police officers,” a statement from the Unit stated.

AFP Assistant Commissioner Nigel Ryan and Commander Heath Davies led the AFP contingent in the parade and expressed their support for the RSIPF.

“The capabilities of the RSIPF and other emergency service agencies which were on display should inspire the confidence of the community about their abilities to keep everyone safe,” AC Ryan said.

“The AFP is proud to support the RSIPF through the RSIPF-AFP Policing Partnership Program and Solomons’ International Assistance Force to keep our Pacific family secure.

“We have an enduring partnership and the RSIPF Open Day highlighted some of the projects we are working on together to maintain peace and stability in the region and support the Solomon Islands to deliver a safe and green Pacific Games.”

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239