Gizo public warn against deadly stray dogs

Aug/09 07:00

Gizo public warn against deadly stray dogs

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) has issued a warning to residents of Gizo, the provincial center of Western Province, to be vigilant of dog attack.

Western Province’s Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Chief Supt. Mathias Lenialu, issued the warning following a deadly stray dog attack that led to the death of a person in Gizo.

According to PPC Lenialu, the deceased sustained critical injuries from the dog attack and was admitted at the Gizo Hospital but later passed away on 1 August 2023.

He says authorities in Gizo are now working on how best they will deal with stray dogs.

While authorities are working on ways to address the issue of dangerous stray dogs, PPC Lenialu warned members of the public and especially children to be careful.

“Police and other responsible authorities in Gizo Township are working collaboratively to identify suitable approach to address the issue of dangerous stray dogs.

We urge parents and guardians not to allow children to go out by themselves during the day or at night. Children must be advised to watch out,” PPC Lenialu says.

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Solomon Islands

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