RSIPF ‘Titus Rore’ recruits gifted with bibles

Aug/14 07:00

RSIPF ‘Titus Rore’ recruits gifted with bibles

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) ‘Titus Rore’ recruits graduated on11 August 2023 and received not only their recruitment training certificates but also bibles gifted by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) through the RSIPF-AFP Policing Partnership Program (RAPPP).

The gift was delivered under the RAPPP Health & Wellbeing Program which aims to support the physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing of RSIPF members.

Part of the Health & Wellbeing Program has been the engagement of an RSIPF Chaplain, Melden Hall, to help provide spiritual and pastoral support to RSIPF members and their families as they continue to deliver frontline services.

Chaplain Hall said the bibles gifted are intended to help build the spiritual capacity and capability of the 65 new RSIPF recruits to be able to uphold discipline in the RSIPF at a high level.

The RAPPP Health & Wellbeing Program has already gifted a number of bibles to the RSIPF since it started. The last bundle of bibles was gifted to members of the RSIPF Executive in 2022. This is the first time the program has provided new recruits with bibles upon completing their training.

Chaplain Hall has been taking the recruits through bible studies during the course of the 18-weeks training.

He said the gifting complements the spiritual and pastoral care service he has been delivering to RSIPF members as these bibles will help mould and shape them.

“I preach and teach the word of God to RSIPF officers. I think it’s even better to give each new recruit a bible so they possess the word of God,” the RSIPF Chaplain said.

He said changing a person’s life is difficult and only God can do that through his words found inside the bibles being gifted.

The RSIPF Chaplain identified the need to issue graduating officers with bibles and was supported by the RAPPP Executive.

Chaplain Hall said the RSIPF strives to become a highly disciplined force and it is only fitting that those starting their police career are set on the right path on day one.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239