Makira Police trained in use of breathalyser device

Police in Makira Province will now be able to carry out random breathalyser tests on drivers in that province after the recent completion of a two-day training workshop and the presentation of two breathalyser devices to the KiraKira Police station.

Two traffic officers, Staff Sergeant George Mouli and Police Constable Joel Donia from the Kukum Traffic Centre in Honiara conducted the training for 16 officers at the KiraKira Police Station from 3 – 4 October.

“During the training the participants were made aware of the various legislations covering the legality of the use of the breathalyser device and its practical use and administration. The participants were also reminded that only those who are trained and qualified can legitimately use the device. And that the device can be used to cover drivers of vehicles, boats and aircraft pilots,” says Staff Sergeant George Mouli.

Staff Sergeant Mouli adds: “The participants were also taken on a practical session on the use of the breathalyser device including how to get the drivers to talk and breathe into the machine and how to read the result.”

“It was very encouraging that 16 officers from KiraKira Police station were able to attend the training because what it means now is that there are 16 qualified officers in Makira Province who can legally use the device for purposes of road, sea and aircraft safety in that province,” says Staff Sergeant Mouli.

At the end of the training, the 16 officers were presented with RBT Certificates and two breathalyser devices were presented to the KiraKira Police Station. The training at KiraKira was the first such training in the provinces as the Kukum Traffic Centre in Honiara continues to roll out the training on the use of the breathalyser throughout the country.