Additional equipment delivered to RSIPF gym

Aug/31 08:00

Additional equipment delivered to RSIPF gym

A Supt. Craig Bell, RSIPF AC Pogeava and RAPPP LEC Charles with some of the new equipment gifted to the gym.

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) has gifted new gym equipment to the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at RSIPF Rove Headquarters on 25 August.

The equipment, delivered through the RSIPF-AFP Policing Partnership Program (RAPPP), will increase the capacity of the Health and Wellness Fitness Centre providing RSIPF officers with improved access to high quality gym set up.

The RSIPF Health and Wellness Fitness Centre was initially setup through funding support from the AFP’s Solomon Islands Police Development Program (SIPDP). RAPPP, which replaced SIPDP, continued to support the gym through ongoing provision of equipment and dedicated funding of health and fitness trainers to man the gym.

Through the gym, RSIPF officers can access personalised fitness training programs, health tips and checks, provided by the RSIPF Health and Wellness team.

This service ensures RSIPF officers maintain their operational health and fitness to carry out their policing duties.

The equipment gifted includes a combination of strength, functional and cardio equipment. Among other things, it includes lifting platforms, spin bikes, resistance power bands, exercise recovery and mobility equipment, pin-loaded and plate-loaded machines, lower body strength machines, reusable ice packs, First Aid equipment, a grip strength dynamometer, Bluetooth gym speaker and storage boxes valued at over SBD$56,000.

RAPPP Advisor, Pete Bamber, said the equipment delivered will go a long way in assisting RSIPF officers in their duties.

“The RAPPP is proud to gift this equipment to the RSIPF. Maintaining good physical and mental health is extremely important, particularly for police officers,” Bamber said.

He said RAPPP locally engaged contractors (Janet Gwai and Hence Charles) are doing an incredible job in running the health and fitness programs for the RSIPF.

Bamber said the equipment is designed to enhance the capability of the RSIPF Health and Wellness Fitness Centre by providing new training options, allow for larger class sizes during group fitness sessions and increase the maximum capacity of the gym.

He added the new recovery and mobility equipment also aims to support the RSIPF frontline by providing enhanced injury prevention and improved exercise recovery.

RSIPF Assistant Commissioner, Simpson Pogeava, signed a gifting certificate with RAPPP on behalf of the RSIPF.

AC Pogeava urged RSIPF officers to utilise the equipment provided as well look after them.

RAPPP’s local fitness trainer, Charles, took AC Pogeava on a brief tour in the gym to view some of the equipment gifted and explain how the new gym equipment can be used.

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Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

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