PPCs and Directors operation conference conclude

Sep/14 07:00

PPCs and Directors operation conference conclude

Minister of Police National Security and Corectional Service Hon. Anthony Veke giving his remarks during the opening program

The Provincial Police Commanders (PPCs) and Departmental Directors of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) concluded its three days conference in the capital Honiara yesterday (13 September 2023).

The conference gathered all the PPCs from different provinces and Departmental Directors of the RSIPF to plan as part of the preparation for the Pacific Games 2023 (PG23) and National General Election 2024 (NGE24).

The Minister of Police, National Security and Correctional Service Hon Anthony Veke had the opportunity to officiate the official opening program early this week with the theme strengthening and promoting policing operational capability and capacity in partnership with stakeholders and communities for a safer Solomon Islands through a shared experience.

Police Commissioner Mr. Mostyn Mangau says, “During the conference, PPCs and Directors were deliberate on the PG23 and NGE24 operational plans and updates including their execution timelines to ensure necessary resources capability is available to support these very important events ahead of us.”

“The focus of the conference is for the PPCs and Directors to discuss update and develop their operational work plan and priorities to implement during the PG23 and NGE24. This will ensure that the operation plan they develop will provide a safer Solomon Islands during PG23 and NGE24 events,” said Mr. Mangau.

As your Commissioner, I kindly ask my good law abiding citizen to work closely with your police RSIPF so that we make this PG23 and NGE24 a memorable event for our children and other countries to see that we can organise such a big event in the future.

Let us work together to make these two big events a crime free event. Together we can do it. We work together to avoid crime from happening during those major events.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239
Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb