Police investigate suicide incident in Malaita Province

Sep/28 06:00
Malaita Province

Police investigate suicide incident in Malaita Province

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Auki police are investigating a suicide incident at Kunu area in Central Kwaraáe that has happened on 25 September 2023.

Supervising RSIPF Police Commissioner Juanita Matanga during weekly Commissioner Press Conference says, “It was alleged that a 16-year-old girl hung herself with a rope at their house.”

Supervising Commissioner Ms. Matanga says, “The deceased tied the rope around her neck with a cross beam and hung herself. The female deceased is a form three student of Aligegeo provincial secondary school.”

Ms. Matanga says, “The motive of the suicide came out of an argument between the deceased and her mother. Police have established an enquiry file on this sad incident.”

“I would like to appeal to our young girls out in our communities to be responsible when encountering problems at home. Seek help from others,” Commissioner Matanga adds.

She says, “Good for both to respect each other in such a situation. Effective communication is very important when issues arise in the family. Try to learn to compromise between each and come up with a fair solution to address differences.”

“Our community leaders are there to assist in some ways. Our Church leaders are there to help us. Seek other avenues in such a situation. Try to find other ways to share such problems rather than taking your own life, “says Commissioner Matanga.

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Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239
Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb