RSIPF and AFP joins 2023 Solomon Airlines Peace Marathon

Oct/04 01:00

RSIPF and AFP joins 2023 Solomon Airlines Peace Marathon

Some of the RSIPF, AFP and SIAF members who joined the fun run in Honiara (4)

Members of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF), Australian Federal Police (AFP) and Solomons’ International Assistance Force (SIAF) along with some of their family members took part in the Solomon Airlines Peace Marathon on 23 September.

They joined hundreds of people who also participated in this fun community event.

AFP sponsored the participation of the RSIPF in the 2 km, 5 km and 10 km distance. This year has seen a huge increase in the participation of RSIPF officers. The participation of law enforcement officers reinforces the importance of health and wellbeing to policing work.

The AFP supports this RSIPF in this area through the RSIPF-AFP Policing Partnership Program (RAPPP)’s Health, Wellbeing, Gender, Community, Youth and Engagement (HWGCYE) project.

Under this project, AFP supports the RSIPF Health and Wellness Fitness Centre- a gym that provides RSIPF officers access to personalised fitness training programs, health tips and checks with the goal of ensuring that RSIPF officers maintain their operational health and fitness to carry out their policing duties.

The participation of police officers from the AFP, SIAF and RSIPF in this community event promotes their engagement with community members and stakeholders. It also helps the RSIPF as it prepares for the Pacific Games in November.

“Community engagement is a significant element in maintaining peace and security and we thank the Solomon Islands community for their ongoing support.

The marathon is a great way to get out and show our support to the RSIPF and the community by joining the fun run as a policing family,” said AFP Commander, Heath Davies, who also joined the event.

RSIPF Assistant Commissioner, Simpson Pogeava, said the health and wellbeing of RSIPF members is very important.

Assistant Commissioner Pogeava, who joined the fun run, thanked the AFP for its ongoing support to the RSIPF, which enabled RSIPF members to access training facilities and specialised training programs.

“The program delivered through RAPPP no doubt helps RSIPF officers to be operationally ready,” Assistant Commissioner Pogeava said.

Since mid-2021, the RAPPP has been supporting the health and spiritual wellbeing of RSIPF officers through the provision of gym equipment, programs, and the interfaith services that has been deliver by the AFP-contracted chaplain for the RSIPF. These programs are intended to maintain a healthy police service.

Related resources

PDF icon Fun run 2023.pdf505.41 KB

Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239