EOD boosted with new equipment from ADF

Oct/26 06:00

EOD boosted with new equipment from ADF

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Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Team of the Royal Solomon Islands Police (RSIPF) have boosted with new equipment a handing over ceremony on 20 October 2023 at Hells Point.

The EOD equipment, which cost about five million Australian dollars, was funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

The Australian High Commission to Solomon Islands Mr. Rod Hilton has acknowledged the long partnership between Solomon Island and Australia. This equipment symbolises that long partnership between the two countries.

Minister of the Ministry of Police National Security and Correctional Services (MPNCS) Honourable Anthony Veke during his brief remarks say, “I must commend the Australian Government for their continuous support to our EOD programs.

Minister Veke says, “Australia has always been with us, on this journey every step of the way, and we wish for this partnership to remain. Programs like the Operations Render Safe Missions, which aims to clear explosive remnants of war, must continue.”

Honourable Minister Veke says, “Now that we have machineries that will provide the much needed capabilities to deliver operations, I hope that we will be able to continue this work effectively.”

“I know that our EOD team is one of the best in terms of UXO removals in the region, their level of competency and practicality is recognised regionally. This is due to our ongoing partnership with countries like Australia and others, in ensuring that officers are certified and properly trained,” says Mr. Veke.

He says, “Australia has been instrumental in these endeavours. In fact, I can attest that our EOD team is one of the best units in the RSIPF, and one that the Ministry aims to further develop or enhance in the coming years.”

The Honourable Minister Veke says, “This support clearly outlines our collective commitment to the safety and wellbeing of ordinary Solomon Islanders.

“The Solomon Islands population has grown exponentially, those places that were once grasslands, have now become dwelling places, making the work of EOD clearance more important.”

“I am happy to note that these equipment will be here to ensure that the work of the EOD team will continue and will be effective,” says Minister Veke.

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Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

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Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb