Police investigate death of Asian male in Choiseul Province

Police in Choiseul Province are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of an Asian male adult at the Luti Logging Camp in South Choiseul.

Taro Police were informed of the incident on 19 October. It was believed that the male person died as a result of eating poisoned fish.

“It was alleged that three Asian male adults working for the logging Company, Chia Tai Enterprises Limited operating in South Choiseul Province, ate a fish local known as balloon fish from the company mess on 18 October 2017 after which all three complained of head ache and body numbness. The three men were then transported by boat to Sasamunga Hospital but one of them died on the way,” says Acting Provincial Police Commander, Choiseul Province, Rolland Lapo.

The two other Asians were transported from Taro to Honiara on19 October for medical attention while the body of the deceased was later taken to the National Referral Hospital in Honiara on 20 October. The body of the deceased was flown back to Malaysia on 24 October.

Police in Taro are investigating the incident.