Zebra crossing at King George Sixth roundabout will be close during the17th Sol2023 Pacific Games

Nov/17 07:00

Zebra crossing at King George Sixth roundabout will be close during the17th Sol2023 Pacific Games

File Photo

The Zebra crossing at King George Sixth school roundabout will be closed during the 17th Sol2023 Pacific Games.

Director National Traffic Department (NTD) of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) Superintendent William Foufaka said this is to allow the traffic flow during the games event.

Director Foufaka said a temporary crossing will be further 20 metres away from the King George Sixth school roundabout eastern side. NTD are working closely with the Ministry of Infrastructure Development to relocate the temporary crossing.

Superintendent Foufaka said police officers will be stationed at the crossing location to give direction especially during the games for our road users.

Mr. Foufaka appealed to the road users to work together with police. This will help us to manage traffic flow during the games.

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Solomon Islands

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Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb