NCPD conduct awareness talk at Lau valley community

Nov/23 00:00

NCPD conduct awareness talk at Lau valley community

Chairman of Lau valley community Mr Iromani Mauga during the awareness program

The National Community Policing Department (NCPD) of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) and the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) have conducted an awareness talk at Lau valley community.

The awareness talk was conducted at the Lau valley school area on 22 November 2023 for about hundred plus people, mostly youths and young children.

Family violence, road safety, sea safety and how to create By-laws were amongst the topics presented to the Lau valley community during the awareness program.

During the awareness talk, Director NCPD, Superintendent John Matamaru acknowledged the Lau valley community for allowing his team to come and conduct the program in their community.

Director NCPD also thanked the community for the good behaviour shown during the official opening of the 17th Sol2023 Pacific Games opening ceremony which was peaceful during his opening remarks.

Amongst other speakers during the awareness talks were Police Constable (PC) Ase Boas from the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC), who also talked on the values of family in the community.

PC Boas said, “It is good for us to come listen and learn from such programs.

We are happy to come and share with you as we are all one Solwara.”

“Every good thing starts inside the family. If you teach your children in good ways when they grow up in our community they will be helping us. But if you teach him or her in the wrong way our community will not be a good community,” said Constable Boas.

Chairman of Lau valley community Mr. Iromani Mauga has acknowledged the police to come and conduct awareness to Lau valley community.

Chairman Mauga said the police are our friends and we should work together with them when it comes to our security challenges in the communities. They are here to support us dealing with our problems in the community.

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