RSIPF conduct a day workshop for community leaders in Central Honiara Constituency

Nov/24 09:00

RSIPF conduct a day workshop for community leaders in Central Honiara Constituency

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The National Community Policing Department (NCPD) of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) along with the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) have conducted a one day workshop for community leaders in Central Honiara Constituency (CHC).

The workshop was conducted at Holy Cross Parish Hall on 24 November 2023 for about twenty leaders from different communities under CHC.

Director, NCPD, Superintendent John Matamaru said the workshop is about engaging community leaders to identify issues affecting their communities and share ideas, methods, experience, discussion to identify and come up with best ways to address issues affecting them.

Director Matamaru said it was Incredible that the community leaders have identified some healthy ways to address issues in their communities. Amongst the some of the issues discussed during a day workshop is discipline.

A community leader representing Cana Hill, a community close to Vara Creek in CHC, Mr. John Mae said sometimes we leaders are too passive. We avoid being criticised. Being a leader you have to accept challenges.

He said being a leader we must discipline and address issues in our communities.

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Solomon Islands

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