RSIPF and ADF rock the crowd at Unity Square with different musical styles

Nov/27 02:00

RSIPF and ADF rock the crowd at Unity Square with different musical styles

An ADF member rocked the crowd with his Saxophone

The police band of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) alongside Australian Defence Force (ADF) brass band have rocked the crowd at Unity Square with different styles of music as part of community engagement.

The performance event brought music cheer and an enjoyable friendly evening for the public in general, especially children and families of different communities of Honiara

A good number of people turned up at the unity square with their families and enjoyed performance while the police provide some police key messages to the public on different sea safety as we go into the Christmas period.

Director NCPD, Superintendent John Matamaru thanked people who came during the live band performance for the good behavior shown during the official opening of the 17th Sol2023 Pacific Games opening ceremony.

Director Matamaru said during the first week of the games

police have not received any major incident which is a bonus for us as a host nation. Let’s keep it to that level till we come to the closing program and thereafter.

“I appeal to good law-abiding citizens to support the police. When you see something is not right that will disturb peace, please report it immediately so that police can take action and deal with it,” says Director Matamaru.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239