PPC Kili urge CPCs to be front liners in any issues that arises in their communities

Dec/11 07:00
Malaita Province

PPC Kili urge CPCs to be front liners in any issues that arises in their communities

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Malaita Province, Superintendent Leslie Kili has urged Crime Prevention Committees (CPCs) in Malaita to be the front lines of any issues that arise in their communities.

PPC urged CPCs during a community engagement visit to Kilusakwalo South Sea Evangelical Church on 10 December 2023.

PPC Kili said the purpose of the visit to Kilusakwalo community was to re-strengthen their CPC. The Kilusakwalo community has the biggest number of CPC members.

Superintendent Kili said the community policing team in Auki has encouraged the committee to strategize and carry on with their commitments and responsibilities in carrying out their bye-laws effectively.

Mr. Kili informed the community of Kilusakwalo to work close with the police in the omissions and objections period, as in couples of days’ time the process will take place in Kilusakwalo community and has urged the community to work with police to ensure a smooth process of the objections and omissions period.

The Auki Community Policing Team also visited a Gwaidaedae in Central Kwaraé in response to a call from that community to establish CPC in their community.

A series of awareness were conducted also last weekend covering central Kwara’ae constituency highlands central kwara'ae, fataleka constituency and North Malaita constituency.

Police Officers in Malaita have been deployed to different constituencies already for the process of the objections and omissions period.

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