RSIPF instructors receive certificate after a weeklong intensive training on anti-riot capability

Dec/28 00:00

RSIPF instructors receive certificate after a weeklong intensive training on anti-riot capability

A female RSIPF instructor received her certificate of recognition after the five days training

Eighteen instructors of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) have received certificates of recognition after a weeklong intensive training on anti-riot capability on 22 December 2023 at Rove Police Headquarters.

The training conducted and facilitated by the China Police Liaison Team (CPLT) focused on use of police riot gear and enhancement of Instructors' teaching capacity for RSIPF which started on 18 December 2023 and concluded on 22 December 2023.

The training content included concept of policing practical training, use of riot control equipment, violence scene handling procedures, use of expedient materials, tactics training and auxiliary training methodology.

Instructors who underwent the training are from Police Response Team (PRT), Operational Safety Training (OST) and Close Personal Protection (CPP).

Assistant Commissioner (AC) National Operation (NO) Evelyn Thugea in her brief remarks during the closing ceremony says, “Congratulation to your fine achievement for this five days training. By seeing the short video clip this shows your dedication and commitment.”

AC Thugea says, “Thank you for the efforts you have made to complete this five day training. Although it is the first time in the Solomon Islands, you do it to the best. I am looking forward to you delivering the same training to all RSIPF officers across the country.”

“As we are looking forward to the National General Election next year 2024, hopefully this training will be delivered to other RSIPF officers so that they are also professional like you and have equipment to use during operations,” says AC Thugea.

Team Leader (TL) China Police Liaison Team (CPLT) Commissioner Zhao Jinyong in his brief remarks during the closing ceremony says, “CPLT has conducted five days of Train of Trainers (ToT) training on riot control equipment and training capacity enhancement. Commissioner Zhao says, “This training mainly focused on police practical operation concept and practical use of Chinese donated police equipment of shield, long baton and fork. With the training, instructors will learn how to improve training capacity and how to conduct tactical use of riot control equipment.”

TL Mr. Zhao says, “Although we are in the Christmas season and you are tired of duties in recent weeks,

you’ve still shown us enthusiasm, professionalism and commitment in the whole process of training.

Those concepts, technique and teamwork tactics will be conducive for RSIPF officers in ensuring the completion of aims and the safety of yourselves’ and the people when you conduct your duties.”

“Congratulations to you on the completion of the training. We hope you could convey those ideas and tactics to your colleagues in future training. The CPLT will continue to support RSIPF by providing technique, concept and equipment. The CPLT will dedicate to support RSIPF brothers in improving their operational capacity and capability within the framework of mutual trust and beneficiary,” says Commissioner Zhao.

Speaking on behalf of the instructors, Sergeant (Sgt) Johnny Eric Neabo says, “I am standing here on behalf of the training participants and would like to convey our word of thanks to the RSIPF Commissioner and your executive for allowing such training to be conducted and executed smoothly.

Sgt Neabo says, “Also, I would like to pay my special gratitude to the Commissioner of Police from the Peoples’ Republic of China and your professional instructors that you have been giving your time and effort to conduct this very important training.”

Mr. Neabo says, “During this one week training we are gaining a lot as we learn more tactical skills and knowledge on this ToT training. This will equip our instructors to deliver what we have learned professionally to the police officers.”

“To my fellow officers, take pride in this great achievement that we receive today. Believe in yourself, believe in what you do for the organization and our country as a whole. Wish you all the best in your future endeavours and let God almighty continue to lead and protect you as we deliver our services to the people of Solomon Islands,” says Sgt Erick Neabo.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239