Two semi-permanent dwelling house and a canteen burnt down to ashes, police investigate

Dec/30 04:00
Makira Province

Two semi-permanent dwelling house and a canteen burnt down to ashes, police investigate

A male person in his 40’s set fire on two semi-permanent dwelling houses and a canteen in a village in west Makira on 17 December 2023 at around 3pm in the afternoon.

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) in Kirakira Police Station have been investigating the incident.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Makira-Ulawa Province, Superintendent Peter Sitai says, “It is alleged that the incident had come about as a result of adultery issues.”

PPC Sitai says, “The victim is said to have committed adultery with the wife of his biological brother (defendant). The latest was in the early hours on 17 December 2023 prior to the time of the incident.”

Superintendent Sitai says, “The defendant set fire on the victims’ properties as a way of expressing his anger.”

Mr. Sitai says, “The suspect was arrested and was formally dealt with and released on strict bail conditions to appear in court on a later date.”

“I appeal to members of the community of West Makira to remain calm while police are carrying out its investigations to ensure that law take its course. Anyone who has information about the incident can come forward and help the police with the investigation. Police Kirakira can be contacted on phone 50266 and 50299,” says PPC Sitai.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239