Police investigates a fatal accident at the Supreme Casino area in Honiara

Jan/03 08:00

Police investigates a fatal accident at the Supreme Casino area in Honiara

Police are investigating a fatal accident involving a 20-year-old female who got hit by a land cruiser at the eastern gate of the Supreme Casino driveway by a 26-year old male person in East Honiara on 1 January 2024.

Supervising Director National Traffic Department (NTD) Staff Sergeant (SSgt) Measly Kelo says, “Initial report stated that, “At around 3-5am on 1 January 2024, that the vehicle drive through the Supreme Casino second boom gate (eastern side) and then made a quick turn heading back westerly direction and at a very high speed.”

SSgt Kelo says, “The suspect drove straight towards a group of girls, including the deceased. They saw the vehicle run straight towards them, all jumped out but unfortunately it hit the deceased.”

Supervising Director SSgt Kelo says, “Right after the incident the driver reversed the vehicle and escaped out of the Supreme Casino area. The victim (deceased) was transported to the National Referral Hospital (NRH) where she was later pronounced dead.”

Mr. Kelo says, “My sincere condolence to immediate families, relatives and friends of the deceased for the loss of their loved one.

The suspect was arrested and will appear in the Honiara Central Magistrates’ Court on a later date.

Police appeal to the people who were there during the fatal accident to come forward with any information regarding the incident, this will help with investigations.

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