56 RSIPF and CSSI officers in Malaita graduate on POM training

Jan/29 04:00
Malaita Province

56 RSIPF and CSSI officers in Malaita graduate on POM training

A total of 56 officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) and Correctional Services Solomon Islands (CSSI) in Malaita have graduated during two weeks intensive Public Order Management (POM) at Kilusakwalo on Friday last week (26 January 2024).

A total of 47 RSIPF and nine CSSI officers participated in the training. Among the total of 56 RSIPF and CSSI officers, five female officers also took part in the training.

The two weeks training was provided by China Police Liaison Team (CPLT) and Operational Safety Training (OST) of the RSIPF to upskill the capabilities of RSIPF and CSSI officers in Malaita.

During the closing ceremony, the RSIPF and CSSI officers conducted a case scenario in front of the high level delegation from Malaita Provincial government.

Guest of Honour during the graduation ceremony, the caretaker premier of Malaita province, Honourable Martin Fini said I am optimistic the training skills learned once utilized well will increase the level of competencies with confidence to handle the advanced protected POM equipment.

Premier Fini said strategize well with operational safety technical capabilities to effectively respond and address our community needs for peace, law and order, which are very vital to open doors for investment opportunities and sustainable development for our prosperity.

“I kindly ask our Malaita RSIPF and CSSI officers to utilize the technical knowledge and skills learned during the intensive POM training. It will equip you to prepare with confidence to make better decisions in managing public disorder situations,” said the caretaker premier Fini.

Team Leader (TL) China Police Liaison Team (CPLT) Commissioner Zhao Jinyong during the closing ceremony said, “We are totally impressed by your professionalism and integrity.

TL CPLT Mr. Zhao said we have seen officers dropping sweat and even getting bruises in the training. We have also seen senior age officers insisting on training even though they are inconvenienced by body movement. We have seen no one want to quit or refuse the training. I think that is because of your strong commitment to protecting your people and maintaining public safety and security.

Mr. Zhao said the CPLT members are dedicated to supporting RSIPF and CSSI brothers in operational capacity and capability. Since February 2022, the China-Solomon Police Cooperation goes wider and deeper while we’ve been continuously strengthening mutual trust and conducting extensive and in-depth exchange and cooperation in the field of security and law enforcement issues.

Assistant Commissioner (AC) Provincial Mr. Leonard Tahnimana said this training will help develop you by building and enhancing your skills and knowledge on how to deal with disorder situations that may arise in the future.

AC Tahnimana said the training will surely elevate your POM capability level to another heights. I am truly proud of your achievement in successfully completing this training.

Mr. Tahnimana said the new skills and techniques acquired through this training will definitely help build on from the POM training delivered by our other partners over the past years. The RSIPF as the leading Law Enforcement Agency in Solomon Islands is very proud and thankful to our policing partners for the training they rendered to us.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Malaita Province, Superintendent Leslie Kili said, “I would like to take this opportunity to thank the CPLT for their comprehensive and valuable POM training that they have conducted for the RSIPF and CSSI officers in Auki.”

“I urge all participants to apply what they have learned lawfully, diligently and effectively in their daily duties. Let us uphold the principles of professionalism, respect for human rights, and collaboration with the community as we strive to maintain peace and order,’ said PPC Kili.

A training participant representing the training officers, Police Constable Moses Maelaua said, “This is a historical blessing moment for us. We thank you for the success of this training program provided by CPLT.”

Officer Maelaua said, “We thank you for the time, skill, effort and knowledge you have given us during the training. This is a step forward for us officers in our various fields of duties.”

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