Joint AFP and RSIPF Team Prepares for NGE with Successful Desktop Exercise

Feb/13 03:00

Joint AFP and RSIPF Team Prepares for NGE with Successful Desktop Exercise

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A Joint Planning Team, involving members from the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF), conducted a desktop exercise for Provincial Police Commanders at the Provincial Police Commanders and Directors Conference that concluded in Honiara last week.

This initiative is part of preparations for the National General Elections in April.

RSIPF’s executive level officers including the Deputy Commissioner of Operations, various Assistant Commissioners, all nine (9) PPCs and the18 portfolio Directors attended the five-day conference. Some participants travelled from the distant provinces to attend.

During the desktop exercise officers were divided into groups and are presented with three realistic election scenarios, prompting them to discuss different responses and notifications.

Each group talk about and share actions they would take at both "Operational" and "Strategic" levels. A representative from each group then presented their decisions to the rest of the conference participants. This led to lively discussions within the larger group, where various ideas and suggestions were explored.

Inputs collected from the desktop exercise participants will help the Joint Planning Team develop thorough plans, identify needed resources and acquire necessary equipment to ensure a safe and secure elections.

The next phase of the National General Elections Planning will include "live" exercises, building on the insights gained from the desktop exercise. These live exercises will dig deeper into the three scenarios from the desktop exercise, covering tactical, operational and strategic aspects of a real operation.

This will enable RSIPF executive members to test their command-and-control skills, and operational members to respond in real-time, assessing the interoperability of RSIPF with members of the Solomons’ International Assistance Force (SIAF).

RSIPF’s Supervising Deputy Commissioner (Operations), Evelyn Thugea, told the conference during its closure that the desktop exercise has achieved positive outcomes.

“The exercise has reminded us of our leadership roles in remote locations and the importance of making good decisions, taking into account your resources and capabilities,” Supervising Deputy Commissioner Thugea said.

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Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

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