Central province police officers completed 5-Step Mindset Training

Mar/12 07:00
Central Province

Central province police officers completed 5-Step Mindset Training

Nine officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) in Central Province are the latest recipients of a 5-step Mindset Training program conducted recently.

The New Zealand Police, under the Solomon Island Police Support Program (SIPSP) alongside the Provincial Training Officer (PTO), Constable Matthew Mumane and Constable Benjamin Pitakaka delivered Mindset Training in Tulagi.

The training was positive and well-received, with staff saying they appreciated learning how to apply the training in a team environment and its positive impact on behaviours when police make decisions within the community.

Course attendee, Inspector Brian Kanai states, “A change of attitude and behaviour is within ourselves and advocates the importance of Mindset Training for the future of RSIPF.”

He also spoke of his appreciation that SIPSP has made this training available to all his Yandina police station staff who are better equipped to face their daily tasks when engaging with the community.

SIPSP advisors were impressed with the delivery of the modules by PTO Constable Mumane and Constable Pitakaka who showed great understanding of Mindset and professionalism in their delivery.

Attendees also received a half day refresher training from the Provincial Family Violence Coordinator Constable Mumane.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Central Province, Superintendent David Soakai thanked SIPSP for bringing Mindset Training to the province and challenged his staff to use the tools from Mindset Training in their daily work when engaging with the Communities.

SIPSP Team Leader Inspector Warwick McKee said, “It is really pleasing to see the RSIPF staff deliver Mindset Training to their colleagues. It ensures sustainability and a dedicated trainer for each province when SIPSP and RSIPF trainers from Honiara are not present in the provinces.”

The training is well received and focusses on the RSIPF being the best that they can be daily to ensure the community receives the best service possible from their Police.

SIPSP observed great RSIPF engagement and participation receiving this key training with the focus on the Crime Prevention Strategy to reduce harm and victimisation.

The SIPSP and RSIPF partners are well on their way to ensure that all RSIPF staff undergo the 5-Step Mindset Training with training scheduled to be delivered in the coming months in Honiara, Renbel and Temotu Province.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239
Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb