RSIPF and SIAF engage with Naha communities

May/23 08:00

RSIPF and SIAF engage with Naha communities

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) and the Solomons’ International Assistance Force (SIAF) have engaged with Naha communities in sport activities at Naha community sport field on 18 May 2024.

The RSIPF National Community Policing Department, RSIPF Bomb Disposal Department and Fire Service Department were also part of the Community engagement program.

The event aimed to engage community members to interact with police and our security partners and educate them about the roles and responsibilities of the different units within the RSIPF.

Members of the communities were also treated that day of fun and games, with a variety of sports activities organized for everyone to enjoy.

A barbeque was provided, allowing members of the community to enjoy and interact with the police officers and SIAF members. It was great to see youths, children and women take part during the engagement program.

RSIPF Commissioner Mostyn Mangau said, I am happy with the initiative and community engagement is an essential part of RSIPF strategy to prevent crime in our communities.

Commissioner Mangau said, “Events like these allow us to strengthen our relationships with the communities we serve, while also highlighting the importance of our various units and the roles they play in maintaining public safety."

“I want to acknowledge the Naha community leaders and members to come out and make this event successful with so much fun. The Naha community was really a well-organized community that displayed cooperation,” said Mr. Mangau.

The RSIPF is looking forward to continuing its community engagement with other communities in and around Honiara.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239