RSIPF and CPLT engage with Koa Hill community

Jun/24 03:00

RSIPF and CPLT engage with Koa Hill community

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The Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) and the China Police Liaison Team (CPLT) visited Koa hill community as part of the community engagement program recently.

The aim of this activity is to build trust and confidence between the police and the community. During the program CPLT displays their unique Chinese culture to the kids in the community.

Community leaders, women, youth and children came together and interact with police officers as it shows good cooperation from the community in Koa hill.

Police officers joined the Koa Hill Community to organize and carry out the men's soccer match and the women's volleyball match. After the matches, CPLT officers donated soccer balls and gym shorts to the community.

One CPLT Officer also demonstrated the traditional Chinese martial art Taizu Changquan and the rope dart during the program.

Police officers encouraged the children to participate in sports activities, emphasized the importance of teamwork and cooperation, and motivated the children to learn perseverance and hard work.

Cartoons with Chinese cultural elements were played for the children to experience diverse cultures and teach them kind and collaborative behaviors.

Sports events and cultural exchange activities not only enriched the cultural life of the community, but also built a bridge between police and community.

The activity achieved a great success in a vibrant and harmonious atmosphere, leaving beautiful memories and laying a good foundation for more community engagement activities in the future.

The RSIPF will continue to work with the CPLT to carry out community activities to create dialogues and interactions, deepen the public’s confidence in police, and foster a harmonious atmosphere for communities.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239