NCPD took part in HCC councillor orientation program

Jul/01 07:00

NCPD took part in HCC councillor orientation program

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) National Crime Prevention Department (NCPD) took part with other stakeholders and Government institutions during an orientation program for Honiara City Council (HCC) Councillors recently in Honiara.

NCPD Director Superintendent John Matamaru says, “The main objective of our presentation is to strengthen our collaboration with the councillors and how we can support our community leaders to ensure that our population enjoys peace and harmony in the Capital.”

“Our role as leaders is to support the enforcement profiles for the establishment of Crime Prevention Committees (CPC) in our local Communities. The CPC is structured as a voluntary mechanism to support and strengthen the role of community chiefs, leaders to ensure long lasting peace is maintained in our communities,” said Director Matamaru.

Director Matamaru emphasize the need for all councillors and respective community leaders within their jurisdiction to maintain good working relationship, so as to foster environment that is conducive for our people to move and participate freely with their daily activities.

Director Matamaru further emphasize the role of the Police and what we can all put together to support the Youth by empowering them to participate meaningfully and more on how they would utilize their potential to guide their future carrier path.

HCC is in the Capital and is home to a number of the country’s main infrastructures, it hosts the establishment of our overseas diplomatic residences and major corporations.

Being elected and appointed is to serve our people`s interest in terms of service delivery and to support our law enforcers to maintain law and orders in the capital.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239