Police arrest a 35-year-old male person in relation to a fatal accident in Malaita Province

Jul/17 08:00
Malaita Province

Police arrest a 35-year-old male person in relation to a fatal accident in Malaita Province

Officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) at Maluú Police Station have arrested a 35-year-old male person in relation to a fatal accident at Fauabu Bridge recently.

Operation (Ops) Manager, Malaita Provincial Police, Superintendent Michael Ramosaea said, “It was alleged that the driver of a pick-up truck hit a 20-year-old male person who died on the spot after the accident.”

Ops Manager Superintendent Ramosaea said, “Reconciliation between the deceased and the suspect relatives has been conducted at Auki police station to calm down the situation while investigation still continues.”

Superintendent Ramosaea said, “Notice of intended prosecution served to the driver and the vehicle was detained at Maluú police for inspection.”

Mr. Ramosaea said, “The suspect has been charged for the offence of causing death by reckless driving contrary to section 38 of the Road and Transport Act. He will appear before the Malu’u court circuit on 12 August 2024.

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Solomon Islands

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