Acting PM Tovosia impress with RSIPF capabilities during a demonstration training provided by CPLT in Honiara

Jul/20 04:00

Acting PM Tovosia impress with RSIPF capabilities during a demonstration training provided by CPLT in Honiara

Acting PM Tovosia greets the PRD officers

Acting Prime Minister (PM), the Honourable Bradley Tovosia impressed with the capabilities of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) during a demonstration training conducted by China Police Liaison Team (CPLT) in Honiara.

The RSIPF Close Personal Protection Department (CPPD) and Police Response Department (PRD) showcased the training received from the CPLT in a special demonstration at the Rove Police Headquarters on 12 July 2024.

The event was attended by high level dignitaries from China, the Minister of Police, National Security and Correctional Services and the RSIPF Executive and its rank and file.

Acting Prime Minister Honourable Bradley Tovosia says, “I would like to congratulate the CPLT and the police officers from the RSIPF for the professional demonstration showcasing the knowledge and skills that have been taught by the CPLT over many months as well as using the equipment that have been donated by the People’s Republic of China.”

“I am very impressed and confident that the capability of the RSIPF has been greatly boosted with these skilful training and commend the leadership of the CPLT Commissioner Zhao Jinyong for his leadership and guidance over the past months in training our officers,” says PM Tovosia.

Vice Minister of the Ministry of Public Security of China, Hon. Wang Zhizhong says, “This demonstration exhibits the positive spirit and exceptional professional capabilities of the police from both nations, reflects the mutual assistance and brotherhood and manifests the high-level and professional nature of police cooperation.”

RSIPF Commissioner Mr. Mostyn Mangau commended officers performance and acknowledged the helpful support and training provided by the CPLT. The demonstration indicated the ongoing commitment of the RSIPF to enhancing its capabilities through international security partnership and specialized training programs.

The presence of the supervising PM and the Minister for Police highlighted the importance of the occasion, emphasizing the government's recognition of the RSIPF's efforts to elevate its standards and operational effectiveness.

The event concluded with commendations from all dignitaries, highlighting the professionalism and dedication of the RSIPF officers in executing their duties.

The training received from the CPLT marked a significant display of its enhanced capabilities that displays professional exercises that highlighted the advanced skills and techniques acquired through the training impressing the high-ranking dignitaries and RSIPF leaders present at the event.

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Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

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