Police arrest a male suspect for damaging excavator in Isabel Province

Sep/17 06:00
Isabel Province

Police arrest a male suspect for damaging excavator in Isabel Province

Officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) at Buala in Isabel Province have arrested a male suspect on 12 September 2024 for damaging an excavator.

Supervising Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Isabel Province, Inspector Harry Vanosi said, “The incident of damage to the excavator has occurred at Maglau village.”

PPC Vanosi said, “It was alleged that the suspect went and broke the brass pipes of the excavator and took them back to his house. A total of 17 thousand dollars plus damage incurred by the suspect on the machine.”

Inspector Vanosi said, “Police have attended to the report, thoroughly investigated the matter, arrested the suspect and dealt with.”

Mr. Vanosi said, “The suspect has been charged for the offence of willful and unlawful damage contrary to section 326 (1) of the penal code.”

He said, “The suspect has been released on bail and will appear on the next Buala and Kia court circuit on 20 October 2024.”

Police will not tolerate this kind of behaviour and call on parties involved in this matter not to take the laws into their own hands. Allow police to deal with the matter.

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Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239
Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb