Fifteen CSSI officers are the latest recipient of TT workshop conducted in Honiara

Oct/01 06:00

Fifteen CSSI officers are the latest recipient of TT workshop conducted in Honiara

Superintendent Jospeh Wakawa thanking the NZ Police advisors

Fifteen officers of the Correctional Services of Solomon Island (CSSI) are the latest recipients of a 3 days’ workshop on Train the Trainers (TT) last week.

The TT workshop was delivered by New Zealand (NZ) Police under Solomon Island Police Support Program (SIPSP) at Rove Correctional Facility in Honiara.

The workshop focussed on Crime Prevention and Mindset training which has been amended and is fit for purpose for CSSI officers.

This training workshop allowed CSSI trainers to understand the relationship between the RSIPF Crime Prevention Strategy (CPS) and the CSSI strategy and how this fit into the great work completed by the CSSI officers.

The training was well received by the CSSI officers with many saying they appreciated learning how their daily work is reflected in the CPS reducing harm and victimisation by preventing re-offending by inmates when they return to their communities.

The CSSI trainers will now look develop and implement the Mindset training and Crime prevention training which will be delivered to their 750 CSSI officers across the Solomon Islands.

SIPSP Team Leader (TL) Inspector Warwick McKee said, “It is great to see the collaboration and engagement between Police and these dedicated officers of CSSI.”

TL McKee said, “It is pleasing to see how the CSSI officers understand the importance of the CPS. How they apply it daily into the critical work they do at Rove prison to implement crime prevention initiatives in their workplace with prisoners prior to their rehabilitation and reintegration back into the communities.”

Inspector McKee said, “The CSSI officers play a critical role in rehabilitating offenders and re-integrating them back into our communities. Rehabilitation allows offenders to have the best chance at returning to a crime free life once released. The CSSI officers understand how they can collaborate with the RSIPF and our partners to implement crime prevention initiatives to reduce crime, harm and victimisation.”

Mr. McKee said, “We have worked collaboratively with the CSSI trainers to develop suitable training that supports them and their mindset so they can deliver the best service available each day when they come to work. We are pleased to see that the CSSI wants to develop this training and ensure that it is delivered to all their CSSI staff.”

CSSI are valued partners under the Ministry of Police National Security and Correctional Services (MPNZCS). The RSIPF implements crime prevention initiatives to prevent crime before it occurs. The CSSI plays a critical role in preventing crime with sentenced prisoners when they serve their sentence and are returned back to their families and communities.

The training was well received and each attendee received a certificate of completion after each course. The CSSI trainers will now deliver this key training to their CSSI officers and enhance the capability of their people with a focus on crime prevention and reducing harm and victimisation.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239