Taskforce Janus arrest a 47-year-old male suspect for the allegation of false pretense cases

Oct/03 06:00

Taskforce Janus arrest a 47-year-old male suspect for the allegation of false pretense cases

Taskforce Janus have arrested a 47-year-old male suspect for the allegation of multiple false pretenses and uttering false document charges on 26 September 2024.

The charges relate to alleged conduct that occurred in 2021, 2022 and 2023 which at that time the suspect was a sales manager with Raretech Enterprises, a Honiara based business which supplies ICT equipment and services.

The 47-year-old male suspect alleged to have provided multiple false invoices from competitors to the Ministry of Mines Energy and Rural Electrification in order to ensure that Raretech Enterprises provided the lowest quotation for goods and services and ultimately win contracts to supply ICT equipment to the Ministry.

Assistant Commissioner (AC) Crime and Intelligence, Ms. Patricia Leta said, “The action resulted in Raretech Enterprises being awarded procurement contracts of almost $400,000.00 over a two years period.”

AC Leta said, “Investigation showed the professionalism of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) officers and partner agencies and that the only way to tackle systemic corruption is for agencies to continue to work together and share resources and expertise.”

Ms. Leta said, “The suspect has been charged with 11 counts of false pretense contrary to section 308(a) of the penal code and 19 counts of uttering a forged document contrary to section 342(1) of the Penal Code. He was later released and will appear before the Honiara Magistrates’ Court on a later date.”

Permanent Secretary (PS) of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury (MoFT) Mr. Mckinnie Dentana said, “The investigation demonstrated the government’s ongoing commitment to stamping out corruption.”

PS Dentana said, “Promoting good governance for Solomon Island Government (SIG) must remain vigilant in efforts to ensure that correct procurement procedures are followed and government monies are spent appropriately and value for money is obtained.”

Taskforce Janus is made up of specialist officers from the RSIPF and the MoFT internal audit office.

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