RSIPF commends Honiara community leaders

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) has thanked leaders of communities in and around Honiara for the role they played in ensuring members of their communities respect law and order during the recent political situation.

At a meeting held at the Rove Police Headquarter in Honiara with community leaders on 17 November 2017, Supervising Assistance Commissioner of Police (ACP), Superintendent Patricia Leta says, “On behalf of the Commissioner of Police and the RSIPF Executive, I wish to say thank you all for accepting the call from the police to assist in the campaign to prevent any disturbance during the recent political situation in our country.”

Superintendent Leta adds, “You played your role as true community leaders by sharing and passing the police messages to the public to remain calm and your people listened to you and as a result there was no major incident recorded during the recent political situation. For this Polis blo iu (Your Police) is for ever thankful.”

Director of the RSIPF National Community Policing Department, Superintendent, Solomon Sisimia says, “I am grateful for this great achievement through your assistance and police look forward for your continued support during coming police operations.”

A young community leader representing the Karaina Settlement in White River in West Honiara commented, “I appeal to you fellow community leaders to continue supporting the police, not only for this past operation but in all aspects where we community leaders should play a role in ensuring peace and harmony is maintained in our communities and so that members of our communities do not resolve to criminal activities.”