RSIPF and NZP conducts safety & crime prevention awareness in West Guadalcanal schools
NCPD officer during awareness talk at Selwyn College
Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) and New Zealand Police (NZP) recently visited schools in West Guadalcanal where they conducted safety and crime prevention awareness.
The RSIPF’s National Crime Prevention Department (NCPD) leads the awareness program with the support of the NZP through the Solomon Islands Police Support Programme (SIPSP).
The awareness talks were based on the five drivers of crime namely; alcohol and drugs, family violence, issues affecting youths, resources and environment and emerging issues.
Students and teachers were keen to know more and listened attentively to officers during the talks. Each driver of crime and the consequences of committing related crimes was elaborately explained to students.
Students were also informed on who to turn to and how to report criminal activities to the police.
The engagement between students and police officers was incredible. Questions were asked and gifts were presented at every school.
Listeners were reminded that ensuring a safe environment is both the police's and community member’s responsibility. They were also reminded that they are the eyes and ears of police officers in their communities.