Police conduct crime prevention training in Guadalcanal Province
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Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Community Policing Unit at the Henderson Police station have conducted a two-days Crime Prevention Training in Tangarare Zone 2 on West Guadalcanal recently.
Guadalcanal Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Chief Superintendent Rodney Kuma, said the training is first of its kind to be conducted in the rural community of Guadalcanal Province with the strategy to promote community policing crime prevention model.
A total of 40 participants have attended the training.
“The training is another step forward to launching by–laws created by the community through the support of GP COMPOL Unit,” Chief Superintendent Kuma said.
Tangarare community by–laws are anticipated to be launched in mid-June.
PPC Kuma said the purpose of the training is to provide basic understanding of the meaning of arrest generally, power to arrest, effect of arrest by a private person, minimum force used during an arrest, statement taking, crime scene preservation, SARA Model and protection of private person under the law.
At the end of the training participants were equipped to understand the roles chiefs and community leaders had in supporting the police to reduce or prevent crime in their communities.
Initially, the training is RSIPF steps toward implementing Crime Prevention Strategy 2023 – 2027 focusing on why police are here, what they do and how they do things to provide a safe, secure and peaceful Solomon Islands.
The RSIPF focuses on developing relationships with communities, educate communities to help stop crime and encourage community members to help the police in ensuring that they report and provide information about crimes and suspicious activities leading to criminals removed.
During the closing of the training, Tangarare community leaders requested similar training to be conducted in the near future which will enable strong cooperation with the police to maintain law and order.
COMPOL Unit team leader, Paul karea, acknowledge Tangarare Communities for their commitment and dedication towards CPC establishment which support police in their role to maintain law and order.
The program concluded with community leaders expressing their gratefulness and sincere appreciation to RSIPF for bringing such training to rural communities that will help strengthen safety and security.