CIP Police call for calm and safe Christmas

Police in the Central Islands Province (CIP) has appealed to communities in the Province to stay calm and have a safe celebration during the upcoming Christmas and New Year festivities.

“As we head towards the Christmas festivities, let us take this moment to look at what is the real meaning of Christmas. Christmas is the time of celebration and a time for reconciliation and a time of thanks giving to God for another successful year,” says Supervising Provincial Police Commander, CIP, Inspector Hugo Maelasi in his message to communities in the province.

“As we continue with our celebrations this Christmas, I want to appeal to all the good people of communities in the CIP to stay calm and have a safe celebration. To the members of our Ward Crime Prevention Committees throughout the CIP, I salute you for a job well done for this year with the support of our chiefs and village elders,” says Inspector Maelasi.

Supervising PPC Maelasi adds: “Prevention of crime is not only to prevent crime but it’s also to promote community safety and contribute to sustainable development of our community.

“Crime Prevention is all about community engagement in all works of life engaging youths so that they will not be involved in any anti-social activity that threatens the community, law and order and respect for our elderly people,” says Inspector Maelasi.

He appeals to people in the CIP to take the necessary safety measures as they travel by boat to Honiara to do their Christmas shopping.

“To the boat operators, you are responsible for the safety of your passengers through the provision of safety equipment and that you do not overload your load. Do not take alcohol while operating your boat,” says Supervising PPC Maelasi.

Police in CIP will mount an operation to patrol the local communities to monitor boats travelling from Honiara to the local villages and anyone found consuming alcohol while operating a boat will be dealt with accordingly.