2018 Commonwealth Games Queens Baton relay

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force appeals to drivers and pedestrians in Honiara to be patient as traffic in the capital city will be affected by the 2018 Commonwealth Games Baton Relay which will start in the afternoon of 5 November 2017 and will go on until 7 November.

The Commonwealth Games Baton Relay is held leading up to every Commonwealth Games with the baton visiting member countries of the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth Games will be held in the Gold Coast, Australia, 4 – 15 April next year.

“This operation will involve selected police officers in Honiara City, Guadalcanal Province and officers of the RSIPF Traffic Department escorting the Queens Baton from when it arrives from Papua New Guinea tomorrow (5 December) afternoon until it leaves for Vanuatu on 7 December,” says Deputy Commissioner National Operations, Gabriel Manelusi.

Deputy Commissioner Manelusi adds: “This is an important event for Solomon Islands as a member of the Commonwealth and as experienced in the past, the relay usually attracts a huge crowd along our streets wherever the baton will travel. Police will be out there to ensure traffic flows and those who come to witness the event are able to do so without being hindered.”