Suspicious death in Auki

A female about 20-years-old was found dead at Travellers Motel in Auki over the weekend.

Supervising Provincial Police Commander Inspector Michael Maebiru says, “Currently my officers are investigating the circumstance surrounding the suspicious death.”

Inspector Michael Maebiru says, “I appeal to members of the public to provide information that will help investigators with their investigations.”

Mr Maebiru further add: “May I call on surrounding communities who might have information to call Auki Police on phone 40132 or police free toll line 999 and provide any information that will assist police investigation in to the death.”

“I would like to convey my sympathy to the relatives of the deceased and thank them for their understating and cooperation to make things possible for police investigations,” said Inspector Maebiru.

PPC Malaita Province appeals to the relatives of the deceased to refrain from taking the law in to their own hands whilst police doing their investigation.